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Liana Technologies has acquired the majority of Finland's largest WordPress agency Evermade

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In a transaction made on January 27th, 2022, Liana Technologies became the majority shareholder of Evermade Ltd. The acquisition implements Liana Technologies' strategy to become the largest provider ...

Liana Technologies has acquired the majority of Swedish marketing technology provider Ungapped

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In a transaction made on October 29th, 2021, Liana Technologies, part of the Ilkka-Yhtymä Group, became the majority stakeholder of the Swedish marketing technology company Ungapped. The acquisition i...

Liana Technologies Highlights Easy-to-use Marketing and Communications Technology and How Organizations Can Lead Wellbeing on Their Dubai Expo VIP Day

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Software service provider Liana Technologies is the marketing and communications software provider for Business Finland’s operations related to the World Expo 2020 which will be held in Dubai, United ...

SURVEY: A recent study by Liana Technologies reveals that only 11% of marketers measure the ROI of email marketing

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In early 2021, Liana Technologies conducted a survey about the current state of email marketing. The international survey was answered by 240 marketing and communications professionals from six differ...

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Vuosi 2023 on jo pitkällä ja olemme ehtineet tovin tunnustelemaan kuluvan vuoden markkinoinnin trendejä. Kokosimme havaintomme artikkeliimme ja kurkistimme myös kristallipalloon nähdäksemme, mitä loppuvuosi vielä tuokaan tullessaan. 🔮 Lue teksti täältä:

What’s all this fuss about #marketingautomation? 🤷 We’ll show you! In this video, our Growth Marketer Janette Berg will show you how to utilize marketing automation to engage with your customers. Watch the short yet enlightening video guide here:

Marketing automation + data = revenue. 🪄 Get to know more about #LianaAutomation:

We took a deep dive and summarized the benefits and best practices of combining marketing automation and CRM in our latest article. We also show practical use-case examples you can use for inspiration. 💡 Find it here: #marketingautomation #crm

How to continually create interesting content that is both engaging and relevant to your current and potential customers? A content calendar is one answer to this question. 🗓️ Read our tips on creating a content calendar here 👇

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