Send your one-time press release with ease

Sending a press release to media and other important stakeholders is easy with Finland’s most popular press release distribution service.

You can find the Finnish version here.

Send a press release even on a tight schedule

Sending out a one-time press release can be done quickly through our form. You only need to fill out the form and schedule the press release to be sent at the time you want. We will take care of sending out the press release and publishing it on our press release distribution platform.

The price for a one-time press release is 390€ + VAT. You can add up to three file attachments without extra costs. You may also choose a package of 3 one-time press releases for 90€/month + VAT.

Fill out the form and buy a press release

Are you planning to send out more press releases?

If your organization is planning to send out multiple press releases throughout the year, we recommend you to choose our package of 3 one-time press releases for 90€/month + VAT.

You can also consider acquiring ePressi press release distribution service for your organization’s use. With the tool, you can choose the recipients of the press releases by yourself and analyze the success of your press releases with analytics provided by our solution.

Contact our team

Features of our one-time press release service

The price includes

  • Press release delivery to selected journalists' email addresses with Finland’s most used press release distribution platform
  • Targeting the press release to suitable recipients based on the topic of the press release and selection of the customer
  • Publishing in popular ePressi portal
  • Publishing in ePressi news compilation newsletter
  • Publishing in ePressi social media channels
  • 3 images/attachment files to accompany your press release

With additional payment

  • One-time press release with quick delivery – the press release will be sent out within 4 hours during our office hours (weekdays 8:00-16:00): 630€
  • 3 one-time press releases in Finland within 12 months: 90€/month (12-month contract)
  • 3 one-time press releases in Finland within 12 months with media monitoring: 180€/month (12-month contract)
  • Media monitoring service for tracking the publication of the press release on journalistic media websites. You will automatically receive a report on all the articles that were written using your press release within 7 days of sending out the press release: 420€
  • Press release publishing and distribution in Sweden: 420€
  • Adding additional images to your press release: 40€/file
  • 25,5 % VAT will be added to all prices

We had a great story to tell and LianaPress worked splendidly as a multi-channel and effective service to spread it.

Kaj Kostiander
Brewery Director, Tornio Brewery

Did you know that we also offer media monitoring services?

The crucial part of effective and efficient PR is following up the gained visibility of sent out press releases. Our media monitoring solution LianaMonitor helps you with monitoring your brand visibility and for example monitoring your competitors, industry or rising trends.

Contact our specialists

Fill out the form and buy a one-time press release

* = Required fields

With an additional payment, you can also choose automatic media monitoring or quick delivery for your press release. With media monitoring, our team of analysts will gather all the results showing which media published your press release. When choosing quick delivery, we will send your press release within 4 hours from the order during our office hours Monday-Friday 8:00-16:00 (for example forms sent during the evening, will be sent out the next day by noon). You are also able to publish the press release in Sweden. If you are interested in the global press release distribution, please contact our sales.

You can also distribute a press release to Sweden, Germany or France (420€ / country). You can add quick delivery from above if needed (+240€).

You are able to upload the content as a Word or RTF document. You need to add the pictures of the press release also as an attachment in this order form. Please note that the service does not provide preview of the press release before publishing. The formatting of text will remain the same as in this form. In the press releases LianaPress fonts are used.

File Type Size

The default image of your press release will be visible on the front page of ePressi. You are able to upload the logo used in the press release later in this form. In addition the default image will be added to the downloadable materials of the press release. Upload the image in jpg or png form, maximum total size of the attachments is 5 MB.

The price of the one-time press release includes maximum of 2 attachments in addition to the default image. If you would like to add more than 2 attachments, the cost is 40€/additional attachment. The total maximum size for the attachments is 20 MB. Images must be attached in jpg or png forms, other attachments in PDF form. Please note that the name of the attachments will be added to the press release as is. Also note that you are able to add a link to the body of text which can be used for additional materials.

Total: 0 attachments (0 MB / 20 MB)
File Type Size Price
Total price: 0
Publishing date

The press release will be published at the latest during the next working day or you can also choose a specific date. If the wanted time is under 24 hours then the price of the press release is 630€ (the press release will be sent out within 4 hours during working hours. For example order form received at 15:00 will be sent out before at latest on the next working day by 11:00). Please keep this in mind while choosing the package, 420€ package does not include quick delivery.

Embargo time

Here you can leave additional information for our Services team if needed.

Total price:

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    Basic information

    Publishing the press release on Kauppalehti press release portal (included in the pricing)

    I want that my press release is also published on Kauppalehti press release portal. "Finance" category will be added to the release.

    Buyer information

    Billing information

    Monthly-based package contracts are fixed-period and will be invoiced in 12-month installments. The fixed-period contract continues yearly unless it is terminated in writing 3 months before the end of the contract period.

    I want to subscribe to the Digital Marketing newsletter

    As our subscriber you will get the latest info, new point-of-views as well as many tested hints and tips to help you develop your digital marketing further. Our newsletter is free and you can easily unsubscribe any time.

    Total price:

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      By sending this form, you accept the general terms and conditionsLink opens in a new tab of Liana Technologies. An additional 8€ office fee is added to each invoice, payment terms net 14 days. Please make sure you have filled out all the information to the form correctly. You will not be able to edit the form after sending it and we will not send a preview of the press release before publishing. Liana Technologies has a right to invoice all additional editing requests after receiving the form.

      Do you need help or do you have any questions regarding one-time press releases? You can always reach out to our team via email

      Our team is also happy to help you on the phone. Just send your phone number using the same email address and we will be in touch.