Our company history
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Liana Technologies is founded
Liana Technologies is founded January 1st 2005. The vision is to produce marketing and communication tools for professionals. The founders share a common history in digital communication, which gives Liana Technologies a strong start. Liana Technologies begins with customer projects with the aim to acquire capital for the company's own product development.

Towards LianaCMS
Days, nights and weekends are spent coding. As a result, in 2006 Liana Technologies publishes its first product, LianaCMS - content management system. After only a few weeks the product is sold to a first customer, who is still using LianaCMS for their web services today. LianaCMS is offered as a cloud service, though the term was not even invented by then. The service is simply called "LianaCMS maintenance service".

LianaMailer is published
LianaCMS got a good reception but need for new marketing tools is emerging. In late 2007, LianaMailer's first version is launched. Liana Technologies employs now ten people, and is eager to become international. A sales office is founded in Tarto, Estonia, to support the growth abroad, but as recession hits about a year later, the office has to be shut down. However, LianaMailer has gained a strong foothold in Finland and the number of satisfied customer is growing.

Towards stable growth path despite recession
Year 2008 passes with contradictory feelings. The demand for Liana Technologies' products is growing, but on the other hand economy in general is suffering. Liana Technologies decides to invest in customer service, sales and product development, and recruit more people to LianaCommerce sales and development. LianaMailer and LianaCMS continue to develop while at the same time the company focuses on domestic markets and developing the network of partners.

Liana products pay off
Investments made to the Liana product family pay off in 2009. As a result, many customer specific product development projects are given up, as they are taking too much of the development team's time. Liana Technologies becomes a real software company. Sales organisation is growing, and at the same time many listed companies start using Liana products outside Finnish borders as well. In 2009, Liana Technologies reaches € 0,95M revenue, the growth being approximately 33%.

Liana is number 15 in Deloitte's Technology Fast list
Liana Technologies gets notable recognition in 2010, as it receives the provincial entrepreneur award. As the turnover increases to € 1,54M (+65,8%), it is time to find a new location for the headquarters. Criteria include more space and a sauna so that the sport enthusiasts would get a fresh start to the new day after a workout in the morning. The year ends on a good note as Liana Technologies is number 15 on the Deloitte Technology Fast list, and also the fastest growing technology company in Oulu, Finland.

LianaCMS version 6000
Product development is hectic, and during 2011, LianaCMS passes the landmark of the 6000th version. This means about three updates or improvements per day. Liana Technologies's biggest customers are taking the company outside Finnish borders as Liana products are being used in 29 different countries. First international employees start in Liana Technologies, one from China and the other one from Russia. For the second successive year, Liana Technologies grows over 60% and is number 11 on Deloitte Technology Fast list.

Liana wins the national entrepreneur award
The company's long-term investments to own technology pay off, as a versatile platform that enables fast scaling is developed - Liana Marketing Cloud is launched in 2012. In October 2012, Liana Technologies receives the national entrepreneur award in a gala with 2000 guests and the President of Finland present. At the end of the year, LianaTechnologies has almost 60 employees on Oulu, Finland.

The year of internationalization
In the turn of the years 2012-2013 Liana Technologies opens up its first international offices outside Finland. Liana products are sold in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in Shenzhen, China and in Moscow, Russia. Liana Technologies launches its marketing automation platform, the LianaCEM-tool that reinforces Liana Marketing Cloud as a comprehensive digital marketing toolkit.

Offices in Central and Western Europe
During 2014 Liana Technologies opens up two offices in Central and Western Europe. The offices are opened up in Paris, France and in Berlin, Germany. The company’s growth is strong in all market areas and the Liana products are used in over 3000 companies; customers include e.g. Hertz, Unilever, SAP, Ikea and Starbucks. The company aspires to be the market leader in Europe and Middle East.

Strong growth continues
Liana Technologies continues it's strong growth as the forerunner of modern marketing technology. Marketing automation in particular is invested in companies of all sizes and market areas. Liana Technologies opens up new offices in Hong Kong and Stockholm.

The launch of LianaMonitor and LianaMobile
The year of 2016 is fruitful in terms of new product launches. The company formes LianaMobile and launches LianaMonitor in 5 countries. To facilitate the growth in the European markets, Liana Technologies opens up a new office in Hamburg. Also, the company is shortlisted for the Deloitte Technology Fast Track list for the 7th time in a row and represents Finland in the European Business Awards.

Artificial Intelligence and GDPR
Liana Technologies establishes a new LianaAI unit and starts developing AI-based marketing tools - as one of the pioneers in its field. In addition to Artificial Intelligence, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coming to effect in 2018, becomes one of the key topics of the year. Liana Technologies starts preparing to the upcoming changes by updating its software and informing marketers with articles, newsletters and GDPR-themed events. LianaPress is renewed during the summer. The site gets a new fresh layout and improved usability on mobile. Liana Technologies continues its steady growth and recruits over 100 new employees in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Towards even more integrated software entities
Liana’s software services are increasingly developed as a whole. Liana launches a new Liana PR Cloud communications entity that combines multi-channel press release distribution, editorial and social media monitoring, media analytics and Artificial Intelligence. Liana also enriches its Marketing Cloud services with a new Google Ads integration. The integration allows marketers to manage their Google Ads campaigns with Liana’s tools and use multi-channel data more effectively to target marketing communications.

National Winner in the European Business Awards
Liana Technologies has been chosen as the National Winner for Finland in its award category (Customer and Market Engagement) in the European Business Awards 2019.

New resources for growth and expanded product portfolio
We begin the year with excellent news: Ilkka Media Group acquires the majority of shares (67%) in Liana Technologies Oy. With the new partner, Liana receives strong support for the company’s future growth. We have successfully adjusted our operations to the 2020 lockdown and economic downturn. For example, during the spring we move all of our events online and provide high-quality webinars for our customers, employees and stakeholders. Our Liana®Services unit launches globally. Our goal is to offer help with media analyses, marketing automation management and website visibility.