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13 Emails to Inspire You

13 Emails to Inspire You

Having a feeling that you want to spice up your newsletters but don’t have any idea on what to start with?

Luckily, with a professional email marketing software, you can easily bring more life to your newsletters: personalize, attach GIFs, add videos to your newsletters — just to name a few.

Here are 13 outstanding email marketing examples to be inspired by.

1. Illustria

This email by Illustria made it to the top of our list due to its incredible animation. Also, this example proves that you don’t always need to have a CTA button in your newsletters. Sometimes it’s also good to grow brand awareness with a simple yet creative message like this one.

2. Casper

At a glance, this cart abandonment email by Casper might seem a pretty standard one. However, it’s simplicity makes it stand out. Also, its appealing heading encourages to check the cart right away.

Lastly, did you pay attention to the lovely testimonial?

3. Trello

Trello definitely has a knack for creating an awesome CTA copy. You just can’t help but click all of them.

The look and feel of the email is consistent with the brand’s style. Brand consistency is an important thing to consider when designing your newsletters and Trello does it right.

4. Country holidays

This email by Country Holidays is a brilliant example of email marketing for the tourism industry.

The newsletter looks like an entertaining book diving you into the world of Japanese culture, art and cuisine. A detailed map and nicely placed images surprisingly do not make the email lengthy.

5. Prezi

Obviously, our list of inspirational emails would not be complete enough without a St. Valentine's Day message. Apart from an unusual Valentine’s greeting, Prezi accurately mentions product updates at the end. A good benchmark for the SaaS industry.

6. Royal Orchid Wine

We’ve already touched on taking advantage of holidays in email marketing. This newsletter by Royal Orchid Wine is a good example to keep up the topic.

After a successful webstore relaunch, Royal Orchid Wine incorporated email in their marketing efforts. So far, the company seems to flourish in their email campaigns: here’s one very creative Father’s Day greeting.

The text in the header image just nails it and makes you scroll down to look for more entertainment. Also, what an interesting way to categorize a whole range of available wine into 3 categories!


Emotions matter a lot in email marketing. They play a crucial role in developing a strong relationship with your customers. uses this notion right: you can hardly look at this email without smiling.

It’s also worth mentioning that effectively drives users to their website with such intriguing content.

8. Grammarly

A good example of an upselling email from Grammarly. “Proofread like a boss” is a perfect emotional trigger that is accompanied with a stylish image. Mentioning an expiration date creates a sense of urgency and is a good way to boost sales.

The Twitter testimonial at the end kills two birds with one stone: it ensures reliability and drives users to the company’s social media channels.

9. Virgin America

Here comes an anniversary sale email by Virgin America. While commemorating their birthday, the airline also shares gifts with the clients, such as low fares and bonus points. By promoting a reason to celebrate, the company makes loyal customers feel special and also can warm up inactive subscribers.

And, of course, a singing cutie on the top makes heads turn.


There’s a common perception that long emails alienate readers and end up in their trash immediately. However, when done properly, long content may turn your newsletter into an entertaining story. Check this example by

Three reasons why this email is so incredible:

  • Let’s face it: cats run the Interntet. The eRoi team took the most out of this trend in this newsletter (The “edu-cat yourself” CTA, the “Know what makes purr vs scratchy” heading, you name it)
  • An opportunity for users to choose the topic of the next newsletter is a good way to increase brand engagement and get customers’ feedback
  • The content is both informative and catchy

11. Headspace

Unlike the previous example, Headspace’s email is extremely short and concise. A creative and animated heading, as well as a big CTA button, give a unique charm to this newsletter.

It’s evident that Headspace knows its target audience well and adjust their email marketing accordingly. The header text is a perfect match for people potentially interested in a meditation app, like Headspace.

12. Darden Concepts

In this email, Darden Concepts takes care of the clients that tend to reserve a restaurant on the go. The ‘never-ending’ scrolling experience looks amazing, especially on a mobile device.

To ensure even more convenience for the mobile users, Darden Concepts came up with an option to save a coupon to a phone.

13. Evernote

While most of the IT companies struggle to generate sales at the end of the year, Evernote leveraged the season with a special offer.

This newsletter stands out among many festive Year-End emails as it has a pretty clean layout and a clear CTA.

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Elena is a Marketing Coordinator at Liana Technologies. When you don't see her passionately writing a new blog post for Liana, you can find her baking delicious cheesecakes or jogging. You can connect with her on LinkedIn

Elena is a Marketing Coordinator at Liana Technologies. When you don't see her passionately writing a new blog post for Liana, you can find her baking delicious cheesecakes or jogging. You can connect with her on LinkedIn