Increased visibility with press releases

The Institut du Commerce is a French sharing platform whose aim is to bring together all players, small and big manufacturers, service providers, local producers and retailers, in order to understand together the evolution of the industry and the commerce, and ultimately the consumers’ behaviours.
As their press contacts were initially limited to the professional press, and in order to increase the visibility of its activities, the Institut du Commerce needed access to a wider panel. After contacting Liana Technologies in order to know more about the LianaPress tool, the collaboration between the Institut du Commerce and Liana started.

With a press communication rhythm of one mailing per month and a few ad hoc mailings, Liana's solution has been perfectly integrated into the Institut's communication activities. Thus, even though the frequency of the mailing is monthly, the Institut du Commerce's notoriety has increased, as it receives direct calls from media that were previously unaware of the collaborative platform.